Sunday, January 26th @ 10am
Continuation of "Stay Close" series
Sermon: A Ministry of Mercy
Hear testimonies from 2 ICC members that will serve as new career missionaries in Eastern Europe
Wednesday, January 29th @ 6:30pm
Prayer and Worship Night for the Nations
Dinner from Los Comales will be served at 6pm for those who purchase a meal. The cost of the meal is $10. Please purchase your meal before Sunday, January 26th by using the button below.
(During our Wednesday night worship, childcare will be available for nursery through 2nd grade. Families of older elementary kids are encouraged to invite their children to be a part of the service.)
Sunday, February 2nd @ 10am
Continuation of "Stay Close" series
Sermon: The Harvest is Plentiful: Praying and Going to the Nations
Tuesday, February 4th @ 6:30pm
Refugee Memphis Workshop with Mark and Cindy Morris (Childcare not provided.)
Saturday, February 8th @ 9am-4pm
Medical Missions 1-Day Conference
If you are a healthcare professional, student, church leader, or just interested in healthcare missions, join us on February 8, 2025! This is an opportunity to network with other like-minded healthcare professionals, learn about new effective health strategies, and become better equipped for short term mission opportunities. (Childcare not provided.)
Use the button below to learn more and register.
Sunday, February 9th @ 10am
Continuation of "Stay Close" series
Sermon: Freely You Have Received, Freely Give: Sacrificing for the Nations