ICC Partner

In 2015, we were contacted by a close friend of ICC with a request to consider supporting a “dear brother” from India, Christudas Earla. He believed he was one of God’s anointed leaders for the future of the church planting movement in India with some of the most unreached people in the world. Once we met him, we immediately fell in love with his vision, strategy, and work. He had been praying for a church to partner with him, and we had been praying for more

partnership opportunities among the unreached. It was clear that God answered our prayers, and our India partnership began.

Christudas, along with his partner organization, GAP Ministries, seeks to equip, encourage, and support church planting efforts in the unreached areas of India. Their work consists of pastoral and discipleship training, as well as going to unreached tribal, rural, and urban areas to host children’s clubs, feed orphans, and help widows and the persecuted.


We will be taking both a fall trip to work alongside Christudas to train, equip, and encourage local pastors and their wives. Discipleship will be a key part of the trip. We will also work hand-in-hand with local church planters to engage the lost for the growth of their churches. Participants skilled in leadership and teaching are needed for this trip. Good physical health is suggested due to long travel and challenging conditions. Be prepared for a significant change in diet.

Dates: TBD 2023

Cost: TBD

Deadline to apply and submit deposit: TBD

Contact Whitney Beach for more information.