Interested in serving overseas with your children? Join us for a special Guatemala trip itinerary designed for families with small children to serve together! We believe this trip is very feasible for families: the travel time is short, the accommodations are clean & safe, the in country transportation is carseat friendly, the food with is healthy & familiar, the ministry projects are perfect for kids, and the daily schedule has been designed just for families! Because this trip is in conjunction with our adult team, there will be opportunities for parents to serve and interact with this team during their daytime projects and in the mornings and evenings.
Mornings: Backyard Bible club in local village
Midday: Lunch and rest/play time in mission house
Afternoon: After school and orphanage ministry with area kids
Dates: May 16-23
Trip Cost: $1,700
Team Size: 20
Deadline for deposit and application: February 17th, click here to apply